
Behind the scenes “Making your Mark!”

Mark is a talented filmmaker and TV producer, and co-owner and Managing Director of Random Group. He surrounds himself with creative folk who spring talent from every direction.

Mark’s business brings together the best in film talent, crew, producers, production crew and equipment hire to name just a few things - with incredible vision and drive, which in this industry is something everyone needs!

Mark first met with Vito last year for some strategic leadership assistance, as Covid had affected the film industry globally. Mark was keen to learn more about himself to become a stronger leader. 

“Vito helped me think more clearly about best working practice, and my own leadership style. He understands creativity, and comes from a creative background - so he really gets it. I have learnt to really hone in on the value of our creative service.

It’s so great to be able to stick your head above the parapet and focus your energy, and really get back to basics to find out more about who you are and what your style is. Vito really questions your reasons for doing things.”

I went through the process with Vito to discover my personality, we did the personality diagnostic for my personality profile, this was a huge game changer for me. Seeing it on paper really changes your perspective. I was pretty high on recognition, I kind of realised that but didn’t really articulate that in the past, without the reasons why.

To really hone in on that and see what my brain’s doing in terms of what I want. Being able to see the key things I’m missing out on, especially in learning was an eye opener.

“Vito has helped me see what was previously unseen, and given me the opportunity to view myself and my business in a new way. You definitely get out as much as you put in. He’s an approachable and personable man, who’s really engaged and on board to help you solve your problems, which is his ‘WHY’.”

Mark Westerby, Founder & Managing Director Random Group.