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Growing fast!

Phyo leads a creative team of designers and animators, with incredible technical expertise.

Fox&Co was growing fast, and with a diverse team of thinkers and creatives, motivation was key to their success.

Capo connected with Phyo following a conversation with WellingtonNZ, who made the connection due to the journey Phyo indicated he wanted to take his team on.

Phyo was losing sleep, quite literally, trying to figure out how he could ignite his team to stay on track and be on board with the company’s vision.

“Capo has made a huge difference to our business - I now get a better night’s sleep, you know there’s a lot of stress being an entrepreneur, with financial worries, clients’ needs and managing people”.


Phyo had a vision and goals for the business, but had kept that to just the senior leaders in the business, and the vision and goals weren’t set in stone, there was a bit of a transition period for the company.

“Vito provided guidance to solidify our clear vision and alignment within the team, each team member also has enjoyed sessions with Vito, and they understand how their roles contribute to the bigger picture. We are all working towards one goal. It really feels like the whole team has become one!”.

Phyo said while he was busy bringing in business and meeting with clients, he felt the team's motivation and focus was misaligned and lacked enthusiasm and spark.

“Now our communications are streamlined - and we have a happy and more productive team. The fact that everyone knows their role and responsibility, makes an enormous difference. We have everyone in their role leading what they do, they are even happy to take on more responsibility in a good way. It’s boosted their confidence and overall has made for a much more positive environment.”


Through a series of one-on-one coffee sessions, for Phyo and some team members, completing a series of self-awareness tests, and mentoring around the company’s future, plus individual and group sessions, Fox&Co feel like they are moving forward in unison.

“We have learned more about each other and understand how we each behave under stress - so we can identify why. Understanding why helps us to communicate better.”

“Vito encouraged us to share our goals and bring the whole team on the journey. We can now see the success of this, sharing ideas and inviting the team to have input. We found out the team have passion for what they do and wanted to help reach the company's goals. We now have plans with real milestones to reach them”.

- Phyo, Founder and Creative Director, Fox&Co.